cordially invites you to a lecture by
Rogers Brubaker
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Visiting Professor, Nationalism Studies Program, CEU
Religious Dimensions of Political Conflict and Violence
This talk seeks to develop a nuanced and qualified account of the distinctive ways in which religion can inform and enable violent political conflict. I identify six violence-enabling modalities and mechanisms (though all can also enable nonviolent solidaristic or humanitarian social action): (1) the social production of hyper-committed selves; (2) the cognitive and affective construction of extreme otherhood and urgent threat; (3) the mobilization of rewards, sanctions, justifications, and obligations; (4) the experience of profanation; (5) the translocal expandability of conflict; and (6) the incentives generated by decentralized and hyper-competitive religious fields. None of these violence-enabling modalities and mechanisms is uniquely religious; yet religious beliefs, practices, structures, and processes provide an important and distinctively rich matrix of such modalities and mechanisms.
Wednesday, 23 March at 6 p.m.
Auditorium, Faculty Tower
Rogers Brubaker is Professor of Sociology and UCLA Foundation Chair at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has written widely on social theory, immigration, citizenship, nationalism, ethnicity, and religion. His recent books include Ethnicity without Groups (2004), Nationalist Politics and Everyday Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town (2006), and Grounds for Difference (2015). His latest book – Trans: Gender and Race in an Age of Unsettled Identities – will be published this fall by Princeton University Press.